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International Beyşehir Gastronomy
Culture and Tourism Congress-II

April 25-26, 2025 / Beyşehir, Konya, Türkiye
Beysehir Ali Akkanat Vocational School

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Congress Calendar

Abstract Submission Deadline

April 06, 2025

Conference Program Announcement

April 15, 2025

​Full Text Submission Deadline

(Full Text Submission Not Mandatory)

May 05, 2025

Proceeding Book Publication

May 30, 2025

Congress Registration Fee

Participation FEE

In Person Free of charge

  • Publication of abstracts and full texts in the congress book with ISBN

  • Separate participation certificate for all authors

  • Free accommodation for international face to face participants (for foreign participants)

  • Free city tour

  • If you want to attend face to face, please send a copy of your flight ticket until April 14, 2025


Congress Topics


Food culture, History of gastronomy, Food science, Molecular gastronomy, Gastronomy and sociology, Education of gastronomy, Gastronomy tourism, Intangible heritage, Culinary innovations, Gastronomy and Destination Marketing, Gastronomy and Activities, Gastronomy and Consumer behavior, Gastronomy and Food safety, Gastronomy and Industry, Gastronomy and Social media, , Culinary arts, Gastronomy and E-Sports, Gastronomy and Economics, Gastronomy and Culture, Gastronomy and History, Gastronomy and Travel agents, Gastronomy and Ethics, New Trends in Gastronomy, Gastronomic studies, Gastronomy and Agriculture, Other areas related to gastronomy,

Because the agriculture is the source of the foods exceptionall we accept all topics of agriculture and veterinary


Cultural Theories, Cultural Studies, Methodology, Political Culture, Economic Culture, Entertainment Culture, Nutrition Culture, Faith and Culture, Health and Culture, Folklore, Communication and Culture, Urbanization Policy, Entrepreneurship Culture, Tourism and Cultural Tourism

Abstract Submission

You must apply to the Conference by sending an abstract. Since our congress has an INTERNATIONAL character, it is obligatory to send an abstract in English.

The summary evaluation process takes a maximum of 5 days.

The author is informed about the result of the evaluation without delay.


Abstract Writing Rules

Margins : 2.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman, 12 Points

Line spacing: 1.00 cm

TITLE: All capital letters

Keywords: At least 3

Number of Words: At least 250

Your abstracts should be between 200-300 words. In addition, all authors in the paper must have their name, surname, place of work, the field of study, e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers, and ORCID numbers.

You can submit your abstracts in word/doc/docs format until April 06, 2025 at the latest should be sent to the address.

(Abstract Sample Format)

Full Text Submission

If you want to have your full texts published in the Conference book, after your abstract is accepted, you can submit your FULL TEXTS until May 05, 2025 at 17:00 You must send it to your address.

Studies with a similarity rate above 30% in full texts are not taken into consideration. The similarity report must also be sent via e-mail.

Full-Text Writing Rules

Margins : 2.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman, 12 Points

Line spacing: 1.00 cm

TITLE: All capital letters

Subtitle: Small

The number of pages: Must be at least 5 pages. The upper limit is 25 pages.



Citation Format: APA 6 Style citation format should be used.

In addition, all authors in the paper must have their name, surname, place of work, the field of study, city, and country, e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers, and mandatory ORCID numbers.

(Full-Text Sample Format)

Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Erkan AKGÖZ - Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Onur KÖKSAL - Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Mehmet DEMİREL - Konya Necmettin Erbakan University

Prof. Dr. Vuqar NEZEROV - Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University

Prof. Dr. Camal HACIYEV - Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih VAROL - Selçuk University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yüksel GÜRSOY - Selçuk University

Lect. Dr. Serhat KURT - Selçuk University

Lect. Dr. Seyfettin Caner KUZUCU - Selçuk University

 Lect. Dr. Ferhat ÖZCAN - Selçuk University

Lect. Vedat EKEN - Selçuk University

Lect. Emine Derya AKYÜZ - Selçuk University

Berk AYDIN - Selçuk University

Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Haldun SOYDAL - Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Zeki BAYRAMOĞLU - Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Ahmet AK - Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Eray TULUKÇU - Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Şafak ÜNÜVAR - Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Mete SEZGİN - Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Ümit Süleyman ÜSTÜN - Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. Bünyamin AYHAN - Selçuk University

Prof. Dr. İrfan YAZICIOĞLU - Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University

Prof. Dr. Burçin Cevdet ÇETİNSÖZ - Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University

Prof. Dr. Hakan KOÇ - Sivas Cumhuriyet University

Prof. Dr. Manole COJOCARU - “Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Dr. Vuqar NEZEROV - Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University

Prof. Dr. Camal HACIYEV - Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University

Prof. Dr. Ali MEYDAN - Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Şamil HÜSEYİNOĞLU - Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, Folklore Institute

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tudora ARNAUT - Taras Şevçenko University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birsen Bulut SOLAK - Selçuk University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülçin Algan ÖZKÖK - Selçuk University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sabır BOZOĞLU - Konya Necmettin Erbakan University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep Bozyiğit - Konya Necmettin Erbakan University

Dr. Damla KILIÇ - Antalya Belek University

Dr. Samson A. OYEYINKA - Johannesburg University

Dr. Violla MAKHZON - Islamic University of Lebanon

Congress Contacts

Congress Coordinator: Gönül EDEŞLER


Phone Number: +90 537 579 28 78

Fax: +90 216 606 32 75

Contact Us

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