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 October 17-18, 2024 / TekirdaÄŸ, Türkiye 


Congress Calendar

Abstract Submission Deadline

October 01, 2024​​


Registration and Payment Deadline

October 05, 2024​


Congress Program Announcement

October 07, 2024​


Full Text Submission Deadline

(Full Text Submission Not Mandatory)

October 10, 2024​


Proceeding Book Publication

October 30, 2024​

Congress Registration Fee

Participation FEE

  • Single Paper Fee: 25 USD

  • Fee for Two Papers: 35 USD


please make your payment via credit card after receiving acceptance


25 USD Payment

35 USD Payment


Services Included in the Fee

  • Publication of abstracts and full texts in the congress book with ISBN

  • Separate participation certificate for all authors

  • Coffee break for in person participants



  • Internationally accredited

Congress Topics

Congress Language: English and Turkish

Recycling, Recycling economy, Environmental economics and policy, Environment and sustainable policy, Recycling and Environmental Technologies, Sustainability, Sustainable Policy, Waste economy, Water management, Renewable and sustainable energy policy, Green construction and sustainable development, Sustainable land development, Climate change, Waste Management technologies, Recycling Methods, Environmental Impact, Transitioning to Circular Economy, Sustainable Practices, Governance, Regulations and Policies, Economic Challenges, Transitioning to Circular Economy, Sustainable Practices, Governance, Regulations and Policies

Abstract Submission

You must apply to the Congress by sending an abstract. Since our congress has an INTERNATIONAL character, it is obligatory to send an abstract in English.

The summary evaluation process takes a maximum of 5 days.

The author is informed about the result of the evaluation without delay.


Abstract Writing Rules

Margins: 2.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman, 11 Points

Line spacing: 1.00 cm

TITLE: All capital letters

Keywords: At least 3

Number of Words: At least 250

Your abstracts should be between 200-300 words. In addition, all authors in the paper must have their name, surname, place of work, the field of study, e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers, and ORCID numbers.

You can submit your abstracts in word/doc/docs format until October 01, 2024 at the latest​ should be sent to the address.

(Abstract Sample Format)

Full Text Submission

If you want to have your full texts published in the Congress book, after your abstract is accepted, you can submit your FULL TEXTS until October 10, 2024, at 17:00​ You must send it to your address.

Studies with a similarity rate above 30% in full texts are not taken into consideration.

Full-Text Writing Rules

Margins : 2.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman, 11 Points

Line spacing: 1.00 cm

TITLE: All capital letters

Subtitle: Small

The number of pages: Must be at least 5 pages. The upper limit is 25 pages.



Citation Format: APA 6 Style citation format should be used.

In addition, all authors in the paper must have their name, surname, place of work, the field of study, city, and country, e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers, and mandatory ORCID numbers.

(Full-Text Sample Format)

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee Members


Prof. Dr. DurmuÅŸ ÇaÄŸrı Yıldırım - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Salih Öztürk - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Prof.Dr. Rasim Yılmaz - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Nazim Hüseynli - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Prof. Dr. Gülzar Ä°brahimova - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Prof. Dr. Seda Yıldırım - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Ömer Esen - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Prof. Dimiter Yordanov Dmitrov - Rector of "St Cyril and St. Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Prof. Vihren Iankiev Bouzov - Vice Rector of "St Cyril and St. Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Nikolaev Vladov - "St Cyril and St. Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seda H. Bostancı - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Işıl DemirtaÅŸ – Giresun University, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nigar Hüseynova - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siyavuş Gasımov - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salman Süleymanov - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. MüttÉ™lim RÉ™himov - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elmira MÉ™mmÉ™dova-Kekeç - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevda Rzayeva - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Səadət Şıxıyeva - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruslan Abdullayev- Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Dr. TuÄŸba Kantarcı - Istanbul Gelisim University, Türkiye

Lecturer Murat Özdemir - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Günhan Hüseynli - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Scientific Committee Members


Prof.Dr. Seyfettin ErdoÄŸan, Ä°stanbul Medeniyet University, Türkiye

Prof.Dr. Kenan Aydın, Ä°stanbul GeliÅŸim University, Türkiye

Prof.Dr. Ä°brahim Güran YumuÅŸak – Ä°stanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Salih Öztürk - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. DurmuÅŸ ÇaÄŸrı Yıldırım - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Prof.Dr. Rasim Yılmaz - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Prof.Dr. Rui Alexandro Castanho - University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Prof. Dr. Seda Yıldırım - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Prof.Dr.Pardeep Singh - University of Delhi, India

Prof. Dr. Cristina Raluca Gh. Popescu - University of Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Dr. Ömer Esen - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Prof.Dr. Ramesh Chandra Das, Vidyasagar University, India

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seda H. Bostancı - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nigar Hüseynova - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vinay Kandpal - UPES Dehradun, India

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siyavuş Gasımov - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salman Süleymanov - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. MüttÉ™lim RÉ™himov - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elmira MÉ™mmÉ™dova-Kekeç - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevda Rzayeva - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Səadət Şıxıyeva - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruslan Abdullayev - Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sakina Haciyeva - Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University, Azerbaijan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cemal Haciyev - Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University, Azerbaijan

Assist. Prof. Dr. Sejma Aydın / International Univeristy of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Assist. Prof. Dr. TuÄŸba Kantarcı - Istanbul Gelisim University, Türkiye

Dr. Afzal Sayed Munna - University of Sunderland, UK

​Dr. Guiseppe Cantafio - University of Sunderland, UK

Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Khan - Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University, India

Lecturer Murat Özdemir - TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, Türkiye

Congress Contacts


Phone Number: +90 537 579 28 78

Fax: +90 216 606 32 75

Venue: TekirdaÄŸ Namık Kemal University, TekirdaÄŸ, Türkiye

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